our funds
managed by “Zabolis ir Partneriai kapitalo valdymas”
Established – 2023
Maturity – 4 + 2 (years)
Type – RE closed-end
Industry – Residential Real Estate
Established – 2021
Maturity – 10 + 2 (years)
Type – PE closed-end
Industry – Deep tech
Established – 2020
Maturity – 7 + 3 (years)
Type – RE closed-end
Industry – Commercial & Residential Real Estate
Fully invested
Established – 2016
Maturity – 10 + 2 (years)
Type – RE closed-end
Industry – Commercial Real Estate (retail)
The management company does not guarantee the profitability of investments. The foundation documents of the investment company or fund presented to the investor must be carefully examined. Before making a decision to invest, investors must analyze and evaluate all investment risks, the presented investment strategy, and all applicable fees by themselves or with the help of appropriate advisors. All the information presented here cannot be understood as a recommendation, offer, or invitation to invest. The management company is not responsible for inaccuracies and changes in the information provided here, nor for any losses that may occur when investments are based on the information found here. To obtain more information about the investment compa nies and funds managed by the Management Company, please contact via telephone at +37052661266 or by email at info@zabolis.com.
We invest in companies that follow governance best practice, and we offer each of our portfolio companies our dedicated support and expertise in establishing and enhancing their organizational structure if required.
When determining the investment objective, we do not assess the sustainability risks associated with investments in the respective objects or the potential impact of sustainability risks on returns. With regards to the activities of the investment companies we manage, we are not considering adverse impacts of investment decisions on their sustainability. According to our strategy, the Principal Adverse Impacts assessment shall not be carried out at the management company level but may be carried out separately for a specific investment company, based on its investment strategy. According to SFDR classification, our managed investment companies are considered to be operating under Article 6. This implies that under regulation law their objectives are not considered to be sustainable investments as defined in the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019, nor are they intended under those regulations to promote environmental or social characteristics or any combination thereof.
The Management Company has approved and applies a Remuneration Policy aimed at ensuring fair compensation for its employees, aligning their interests with those of the shareholders, promoting reliable risk management, and protecting clients by avoiding excessive risks and unsuitable product offerings. The Remuneration Policy is not aligned with sustainability risks.