By applying to participate in the Zabolis Art Prize Competition (the “Competition”), you submit certain personal data aboutyourself or other persons (for example, your teachers) for processing to UAB “Žabolis ir partneriai” (company number125996813; the “Company” or the “Data Controller”), and you acknowledge that you have read and agree to this privacynotice and the processing of data. In this privacy notice, you will find information on what personal data will be processed bythe Company, how it will be processed, for what purpose it will be used, how long it will be stored, and other relevantinformation. Please read it.

Who is your data controller?
The controller of your personal data is UAB “Žabolis ir partneriai” (company number 125996813).

Why and what personal data do we collect and how long do we store your data?

Why do we collect yourpersonal data?

For   the   purposes   of   the smooth organisation of the Competition,   the   selection of   winners,   the   allocation and payment of prizes, and the   publicity   of   the Competition.

What personal data do wecollect about you?

Name,   surname,   nationality, permanent residence address, telephone   number,   email, name(s)   of   educational institution(s), details of your victories and achievements in other   competitions,   names and surnames of other people (if applicable). Personal   identification number   and   bank   account number,   bank   name   (only applicable to winners of the Competition).

What is the legal basis that allows   us   to   collect information about you?

Your   consent   to participating   in   the Competition,   subject   to   the terms and conditions set out in   the   rules   of   the Competition.

How long will we storeyour personal data?

The Data Controller will have the non-exclusive right and only for the pusposes of Competition (i) to reproduce and process, in any form and in any manner whatsoever, the works of art sent by you, and (ii) to make them available to the public, in any form and in any manner whatsoever, including, but not limited to, by making them available to the public via computer networks (online), without geographical limitations, in all countries of the world.The Data Controller will have the gratuitous right to use your name and surname, in any form and in any manner whatsoever, for the purposes of publicising the artwork and for the purposes of the Competition.Separate prize payment agreements will be concluded with the winners of the Competition. Such documents and other related data will be stored for 10 years from the date of signature of the agreement, subject to the storage and archiving periods laid down by law.

Can I refuse to provide my personal data?
If you refuse to provide your personal data, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in the Competition.

How will we protect your data?
We pay particular attention to data security, and we responsibly implement organisational and technical data security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure or any other unauthorised processing.

Who can gain access to your data?
1Your personal data may only be accessible to: (i) a limited number of the Data Controller’s employees; (ii) persons providing necessary services to the Data Controller (e.g., an accounting firm, IT specialists); (iii) other parties where required by law, and only to the extent necessary to implement the proper processing of your personal data, and all such persons will be subject to
the strict requirements for the protection of confidential information. Recipients may also be established outside the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union or the European Economic Area. We will only transfer your personal data to third parties that comply with the requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation.

What rights do you have?
We guarantee the implementation of the following rights and the provision of any relevant information upon your request or enquiry:
-To know (be informed) about the processing of your personal data;
-To access your personal data and to learn how they are processed;
-To request the rectification or destruction of your personal data or the suspension, other than storage, of the processing of your personal data;
-To object to the processing of your personal data;
-To request the erasure of your personal data (the “right to be forgotten”);
-To request the portability of your personal data, that is, to allow you access to your personal data in a form in which you are provided with personal data in a commonly used and computer-readable format;
The right to lodge a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania, L. Sapiegos Street 17, Vilnius, email:

Where to apply?
If you have any requests or questions regarding the processing of your data, please contact us by email at